domain = $domain; $this->port = $port; $this->setOffset("Current Stream Information"); $this->setTableStart(""); $this->setTableEnd("
"); } function setFields($array=array()) { $this->fields = $array; } function setOffset($string) { $this->very_first_str = $string; } function setTableStart($string) { $this->tableStart = $string; } function setTableEnd($string) { $this->tableEnd = $string; } function getHTML($page) { $contents = ""; $domain = (substr($this->domain, 0, 7) == "http://") ? substr($this->domain, 7) : $this->domain; if ($fp = fsockopen($domain, $this->port, $this->errno, $this->errstr, 2)) { fputs($fp, "GET ".$page." HTTP/1.1\r\n". "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)\r\n". "Host: ".$domain."\r\n\r\n"); while (!feof($fp)) $contents .= fgets($fp, 256); fclose ($fp); return $contents; } else { return False; } } function getServerInfo($page="/", $display_array=null, $very_first_str=null) { if (!isset($display_array)) $display_array = $this->fields; if (!isset($very_first_str)) $very_first_str = $this->very_first_str; if ($html = $this->getHTML($page)) { // parsing the contents foreach ($display_array AS $key => $item) { $very_first_pos = stripos($html, $very_first_str); $first_pos = stripos($html, $item, $very_first_pos); $line_start = strpos($html, "", $first_pos); $line_end = strpos($html, "", $line_start) + 4; $difference = $line_end - $line_start; $line = substr($html, $line_start, $difference); $data[$key] = strip_tags($line); } return $data; } else { return $this->errstr." (".$this->errno.")"; } } function createHistoryArray($page) { if (!in_array($page, $this->trackLists)) { $this->trackLists[] = $page; if ($html = $this->getHTML($page)) { $fromPos = stripos($html, $this->tableStart); $toPos = stripos($html, $this->tableEnd); $tableData = substr($html, $fromPos, ($toPos-$fromPos)); $lines = explode("", $tableData); $tracks = array(); $c = 0; foreach ($lines AS $line) { $info = explode ("", $line); $time = trim(strip_tags($info[0])); if (substr($time, 0, 9) != "Copyright") { $this->tracks[$c]['time'] = $time; $this->tracks[$c++]['track'] = trim(strip_tags($info[1])); } } unset($this->tracks[0]); $this->tracks[1]['track'] = str_replace("Current Song", "", $this->tracks[1]['track']); } else { $this->tracks[0] = array("time"=>$this->errno, "track"=>$this->errstr); } } } function getHistoryArray($page="/played.html") { if (!in_array($page, $this->trackLists)) $this->createHistoryArray($page); return $this->tracks; } function getHistoryTable($page="/played.html", $timeColText=False, $trackColText=False, $class=False) { if (!in_array($page, $this->trackLists)) $this->createHistoryArray($page); $output = ""; if ($timeColText && $trackColText) $output .= "".$timeColText."".$trackColText.""; foreach ($this->tracks AS $trackArr) $output .= "".$trackArr['time']."".$trackArr['track'].""; $output .= "\n"; return $output; } } // this is needed for those with a php version < 5 // the function is copied from the user comments @ ( if (!function_exists("stripos")) { function stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset=0) { return strpos(strtoupper($haystack), strtoupper($needle), $offset); } } ?>